Aloha, Friend.
As the confusion, chaos and danger of the Trump administration continue into a third month, I report back to you again on what’s going on, what I think and what I’m doing, and ask for your further guidance.
The deepening division and polarization of our last decades has only worsened with a deeply divisive and polarizing President intent on pressing the boundaries of our democracy. For some supporters of President Trump, he can do no wrong and whatever he does is necessary. For some opponents of the President, he can do no right and whatever he does must be opposed. Most Americans just believe our government is not delivering on our everyday concerns like the crippling cost of living and want less turmoil and more problem solving.
In such difficult times, I’m guided by some basics. My job is to protect our country, help our Hawai‘i and make your life better. My duty is to act as a member of a separate, independent and co-equal branch of government, charged with oversight of (not loyalty to) any President. My obligation is to our Constitution, country, Hawai‘i and you. I will work with anyone who shares these basics and a commitment to solving our problems, work to debate and decide the best way forward for our country, and oppose anyone who seeks to undermine our democracy.
All of this has required me to work in two worlds these first months of the 119thCongress (2025-2027). The first is the world of the confusing, chaotic and dangerous Trump administration. The second is the world of my ongoing mission to contribute to national leadership, help our Hawai‘i and help you, the world that I live and work in year to year, Congress to Congress, regardless of who is President or what party controls Congress. I expect to continue fully on both tracks.
Focusing on the Trump presidency, while I support various of the administration’s stated priorities and actions, such as securing our borders and curbing the growth in federal spending, I do not support many other actions. These are just some: - Attacking federal courts. The administration is trying to remove any opposition to its initiatives, whether it be inside the administration (removal of independent thinkers as well as inspectors general and whistleblower offices), Congress, state and local governments, universities, law firms, and on. The only effective check and balance on its many unconstitutional and illegal actions is our federal courts, where around 150 lawsuits have been filed to date, federal judges have ordered the administration to stop in around 40, and decisions are pending in others. (Here is a litigation tracker.) The administration’s response has been to skirt if not violate those orders and to attack the courts and judges. This undermines the very foundation of our system of checks and balances and cannot be accepted.
- Crippling federal government. The Musk DOGE effort is trying to cripple if not outright destroy whole swaths of the federal government, especially in core non-defense programs which are critical to our overall efforts in the world or on which hundreds of millions of citizens depend for life essentials. Just some examples are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, natural resource protection, veterans benefits and foreign assistance. These are explained away as attacks on waste, fraud and abuse, and I’m all in on attacking waste, fraud and abuse and reviewing the overall size and cost of our federal government. But there’s a big difference between improving our federal government and destroying it, and this is the latter.
- Worsening everyday American concerns. Lost in all of this confusion and chaos are the day-to-day concerns Americans care most about: the economy, jobs, cost of living, health care, housing, crime, financial security, retirement. The administration is not addressing those issues; in fact its actions, such as tariffs and trade wars with the rest of the world, disruption of our own financial markets and supply chains, and slashing the Social Security Administration, are leading us back to inflation and rising costs, undermining our personal foundations and worsening our lives.
- Deserting our friends and allies. The administration is not only walking away from our engagement with the world, which has lifted billions out of poverty, led to economic prosperity and kept the peace over three generations; it is actively deserting our friends and allies and emboldening our adversaries. Nowhere is this more dangerous than Ukraine, which the administration is trying to pummel into a destructive “peace” with Russia which would make the world far less safe. But the administration is inexplicably alienating other friends and allies such as Europe, Canada and Japan. As I said in a recent speech to the full House here, the happiest person in the world at this radical turn in our foreign policy is not the President of Russia (he’s the second happiest) but the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party.
- Accelerating our federal budget crisis. The administration is pretending to care about the dangerous deterioration in our nation’s budget and finances, where our overall national debt, debt as a percentage of our national economy and annual interest payments on our debt are at or heading to their highest levels ever. Yet the tax package the administration and the current Congressional majority is pursuing, aside from giving a huge tax break to those who are benefiting the most from our society at the expense of most Americans, would actually worsen our federal budget by trillions of dollars over the next years.
All of this is or should be of deep concern to all Americans, and some believe the response should be to yell, scream, swear, personally attack and disrupt. I understand and feel myself the frustration, anger and fear for our country, but don’t believe that is a constructive approach and its not my approach. I have instead focused in my Capitol Hill world and back home on (1) penetrating the fog and spin, communicating the reality and focusing attention on the real-world consequences of what the administration and its partners are doing and why, (2) supporting our federal courts, (3) giving voice in Congress to all those who feel forgotten by our government, and (4) highlighting the underlying issues and concerns and seeking practical bipartisan solutions inside Congress with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle.
This last effort is my most important, because Congress under the current razor-thin Republican majority has failed in its duty to exercise oversight and a check and balance on this President. Our whole democracy relies on each of our three branches of government functioning to check abuses of power by the other branches such as is occurring today. My Republican colleagues must eventually step forward to fulfill their check and balance duties if we are to chart a way out of this confusion, chaos and danger, and I take every opportunity to urge them to do so. This does not mean that we won’t disagree and debate the issues of our day and decide our direction through a democratic vote, but it does mean that they must join in defending the foundations of our democracy.
To supporters of President Trump: It is my obligation to represent you like all of my constituents as best I can. I have heard from and talked with thousands of you, and hope and believe that I understand and agree with many of your concerns for our country and your solutions. I welcome your continued questions and comments, I will continue to listen and discuss them with you, and I will continue to help you with your individual needs as I do any other constituent. What I will not do is to ignore, deny, rationalize or defend illegal and unconstitutional actions that threaten the fabric of our country, or agree with anyone who believes that the ends justify those means.
I addressed many of these issues and possible solutions on March 27th as a special guest on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, a national live show with unfiltered viewer questions. You can watch a replay here. Many of my other actions are on my website at, including my specific opposition to the Army’s unbelievable attempt to erase the history of the 100th Infantry Battalion/442ndRegimental Combat Team here and to the attempted dismantling of the U.S. Department of Education here.
It is more critical than ever that I stay in touch with and hear from you as we work through this very difficult time and find the best way forward. The best way to keep up with what I’m doing, provide your concerns, get your questions answered and ask for assistance is by visiting my website at Please also feel free to call my Honolulu office at (808) 650-6688 or email me at