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Speeches & Testimony

Remarks by Congressman Ed Case on Future of Red Hill

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony
Red Hill Press Conference Feb 2022_2

First and foremost, to the thousands of our ohana who have suffered harm, whose lives are upended, this should not have happened to you and we remain completely focused on you. Second, I thank my colleague, Congressman Kahele, for his full partnership throughout this crisis and for his leadership in introducing our legislation. I support our military. We must remain strong and…

Case Celebrates Filipino American History Month

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Madam Speaker, each year our country recognizes October as  Filipino American History Month, a time for all Americans to celebrate  the incredible past, present and future of our fellow citizens whose heritage lies in the great country of the Philippines.   I am especially humbled to do so as the Representative of Hawaii's First Congressional District,…

Case Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month

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Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month and to share our collective recommitment to end domestic violence. Each October, we remember all those lost to and scarred by domestic violence, a tragic continuing scourge that cuts across all boundaries. Long after we have said goodbyes, long after physical wounds have healed, the…

Case's House Floor Remarks on H.R. 2662, the IG Independence and Empowerment Act

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Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise today in strong support of H.R. 2662, the IG Independence and Empowerment Act, of which I am a cosponsor. The work of our Inspectors General throughout government in providing an independent, objective and professional review and assessment of legal compliance and waste, fraud and abuse is critical to the overall functioning of government and to…

Case Testifies on Hawaii's Small Business Recovery Needs

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Tags: Economy

During a House Small Business Committee Member Day hearing, U.S. Congressman Ed Case spoke about the continued recovery needs of Hawaii's small businesses and tourism industry. His full committee testimony is available online and below:  Member Day Testimony to the Small Business Committee Chairwoman Velázquez, Ranking Member Luetkemeyer and members of the Committee: Thank you…

Case Commemorates Launch of 'Go For Broke' Stamp

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Floor Speech on 'Go For Broke' Special Order

Congressman Ed Case spoke on behalf of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 in commemoration of the U.S. Postal Service's June 3, 2021 launch of the Go For Broke: Japanese Americans Soldiers of World War II, which honors the perseverance and patriotism of Japanese Americans fighting to defend our nation during World War II. You can view the…

Speech Honoring Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Month

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Madam Speaker,    Each year we come together to recognize May as Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Month, in celebration of the critical participation of our Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities in our national story.    Over the past year, the pandemic has highlighted the harsh disparities that too many in the…