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Small Business Resources

Constituent Services

Small Business Resources

Small business is the lifeblood of Hawaii’s economy and I focus my efforts in Congress on facilitating opportunities and removing obstacles for national and local small businesses. In this we are assisted by various federal and local resources targeted to small business. Here are some of those resources as well as my offer of assistance. You can also view my recent webinar on Hawai‘i Small Business Assistance with special local expert guests here.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Programs

The SBA administers several types of programs to support small businesses. The SBA’s programs include:

  1. Entrepreneurial development programs (including Small Business Development Centers, Women's Business Centers and SCORE).
  2. Capital access programs (including the 7(a) Loan Guaranty Program, the 504/Certified Development Company Loan Guaranty Program, the Microloan Program, and International Trade and Export Promotion Programs).
  3. Contracting programs (including the 8(a) Business Development Program,  Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZones), the Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Procurement Program, the Women-Owned Small Business WOSB Federal Contract Program and the Surety Bond Guarantee Program).
  4. Capital investment programs (including the Small Business Investment Company program, the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program, the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program and growth accelerators).
  5. Disaster assistance programs.

Disaster Assistance

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has low-interest disaster loans to homeowners and renters in declared disaster areas. These loans help cover disaster-caused damage or items to help prevent future damage. You do not need to own a business to apply for an SBA disaster loan. Loans are available to homeowners, renters and businesses who have sustained physical damage to their properties. To apply please visit:

For more information on these programs and other programs, please reach out to the following offices across our Hawai‘i:

Cybersecurity Resources

Cyberattacks cost the U.S. economy billions of dollars a year and pose a growing threat for individuals and organizations. Small businesses are especially attractive targets because they have information that cybercriminals want, and many small businesses typically lack the security infrastructure of larger businesses to adequately protect their digital systems for storing, accessing and disseminating data and information.

Here are some resources for those seeking to improve cybersecurity at a small business:

  1. The Hawai‘i State Fusion Center sends weekly “Cybersecurity Bulletins.” To be added to the distribution list, please email the Hawai‘i State Fusion Center at
  2. For more information on cybersecurity in Hawai‘i and how to protect yourself, please see this power point from the Hawai‘i Office of Homeland Security that can be accessed here.
  3. The Hawai‘i Office of Homeland Security’s website, which can be accessed here, has useful information to help small businesses protect themselves.


Casework is assistance I provide to specific individuals, business and other organizations in my First Congressional District, especially in their dealings with federal agencies. Casework typically involves individuals or small businesses dealing with a problem, question of eligibility or difficulty securing benefits.

For more information on any small business resources or how I can help, please visit my casework page or call my Honolulu Office at (808) 650-6688.