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Speeches & Testimony


Speeches & Testimony

Hawai'i and Indo-Pacific Defense Priorities

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

Chairman Smith, Ranking Member Rodgers and Members of the Committee. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you our national security challenged and opportunities in my backyard of the Indo-Pacific.  Pacific Deterrence Initiative Overall, the current and previous administrations have affirmed the reemergence of strategic competition with other great powers as the central…

Member Day Testimony to the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

Thank you so much, Chair Kilmer, Vice Chair Timmons and Members of the Select Committee. I really appreciate the opportunity you’ve provided to weigh in on modernizing our Congress. I listened to the last three fellow testifiers and it was gratifying that they all said something that I completely agree with. Ms. Lee, that’s way overdue; Ms. Jacobs, intern pay and accessibility, that’s…

Transportation and Infrastructure Priorities

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Chairman DeFazio, Ranking Member Graves and Members of the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee:    Aloha and mahalo for the opportunity to update the Committee on key transportation and infrastructure issues and needs for my home state of Hawai‘i. I would like to highlight three today for your consideration and assistance: (1) adapting our surface…

Member Day Testimony to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs

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Member Day Testimony to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Representative Ed Case (HI-01) Friday, March 26, 2021     Chair Meeks, Ranking Member McCaul, members of the Committee:    Aloha from my office in Honolulu, Hawai‘i. Thank you for the opportunity to again testify before the Committee. In my last Member Day testimony in December 2019, I…

Statement Before Hawai'i State Legislature on Tour Helicopters

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

Chair Lee, Vice Chair Inouye and members of the Committee: First, mahalo for highlighting and pursuing a critical issue that increasingly risks the public safety and disrupts the daily lives of residents and visitors in all corners of our Hawai’i: the virtually unregulated operations of commercial tour helicopters and small aircraft.    Based on my constituents’ continued…

Statement to the House Budget Committee Regarding a Fiscally Responsible Budget

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

Mr. Chair, Ranking Member and Colleagues: Mahalo for the opportunity to testify before you today in support of a fiscally responsible budget.  At the outset, let me say that I reject the view that federal deficits and debt no longer matter, that we can continue to endlessly spend far more than our revenues, endlessly increase our national debt, with no consequence. Our debt…

Ensuring the Full Inclusion of Native Hawaiians in VAWA

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

Madam Speaker: I rise today to express appreciation to my House colleagues who voted for my amendment to our recently passed Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) to ensure the full inclusion of American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians in key parts of VAWA.  My amendment requires key data for full implementation of VAWA about our nation’s indigenous…

Statement before the House Celebrating Women’s History Month

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

I rise today to honor the women of our nation and my home state of Hawai‘i past, present and future as we again celebrate Women's History Month. Each year during the month of March, we remember and honor the extraordinary American women who have made such lasting contributions to our culture, history and society. Long before they finally gained the right to vote in elections and before…