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Speeches & Testimony


Speeches & Testimony

Case Testifies in Support of FY2021 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Measure

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Chairwoman Lowey, Ranking Member Granger, fellow members of the Committee: I rise in strong support of this Fiscal Year 2021 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations measure, for two main reasons. First, in funding our non-military international efforts, this bill continues a cohesive strategy for advancing our interests and values and embracing the mantle of leadership across the…

Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

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Madam Speaker,  Our country has officially observed each May since 1992 as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, recognizing the extraordinary contributions of our Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community to the rich fabric and history of our nation. May is especially important to me as the proud Representative of Hawaii’s First Congressional…

America’s Global Leadership during COVID-19

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Madam Speaker, as our country and world confront the unprecedented challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic, some say, as a reason or excuse, that we should turn inward away from the rest of our world and to our own affairs. But neither can nor should we disengage. Instead, I join many of my colleagues and our fellow citizens in stating clearly that there has never been a better time or…

Member Day Testimony to the Small Business Committee

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Tags: Economy

Chair Velázquez, Ranking Member Chabot and members of the Small Business Committee: As a former Committee member, I’m grateful to be able to share the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Hawai’i small businesses.  Small businesses are the lifeblood of my state. Hawai‘i has 132,640 small businesses; that’s about 1 business for every 11 people. They are also smaller than…

Case Testifies in Support of Critical Water Projects for Hawai‘i

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Written Testimony of Representative Ed Case (HI-01) House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment   Chairman DeFazio, Ranking Member Graves, Members of the Committee:   Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts on water resources development priorities that are important to both our nation and my home…

ERA Ratification

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Madam Speaker, I rise in very strong support of this  resolution to advance the cause of full and equal rights for all women. I do so for my 1-year-old granddaughter for whom I deeply hope that, when she reaches the age of understanding, the ERA will be as enshrined in our Constitution as is the right to vote today. I also do so as a proud citizen of my Hawaii. On March 22,…

Remarks on Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for New Bachelor Enlisted Quarters at MCBH Kane‘ohe Bay

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Colonel Lianez and our Marine ‘ohana, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:  Aloha!  It is my pleasure to join you today for this ceremony celebrating the completion of these beautiful new barracks.  To all the Marines here today, those who have served here at K-Bay and those who will serve and reside within the halls of these barracks in the future, I join all…

Introductory Remarks for Jones Act Legislation

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Tags: Economy

Madam Speaker, today I introduce three bills to end a century of monopolistic closed market domestic cargo shipping to and from my isolated home state of Hawai‘i as well as the other island and separated jurisdictions of our country not part of the continental United States. In doing so, we will break the stranglehold on the peoples and economies of these exposed communities and their…

Introductory Remarks for the Hawai‘i Invasive Species Protection Act

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Madam Speaker, I rise today to join my colleague, Representative Gabbard, in introducing our bill to protect one of the most unique and fragile environments on earth, our Hawai‘i, from devastating invasive species. Invasive species pose an especially grave threat to Hawai‘i’s unique ecosystems, natural resources and agricultural communities, in part due to Hawai‘i’s unique geography.…

Foreign Affairs Committee Member Day Testimony

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Thank you, Chair Engel, Ranking Member McCaul, Chair Sherman, Aloha! Thank you for the opportunity to testify today in support of this Committee's and our Congress' legislative initiatives focused on the Pacific Islands, a critical region for my Hawaii and our country. The Pacific Islands and their exclusive economic zones encompass a vast area of the Pacific Ocean, larger than the land…