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Speeches & Testimony


Speeches & Testimony

Remarks by Congressman Ed Case in support of the Accurately Counting Risk Elimination Solutions Act of 2023

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.R. 1567, the Accurately Counting Risk Elimination Solutions (ACRES) Act of 2023. Drought conditions and invasive grasses throughout the country in recent years have compounded the threat of wildfires, and the recent wildfires on Maui serve as a tragic reminder of how serious the risks are. These wildfires devastated a vibrant community…

Statement in Support of Foreign Assistance

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

I am truly disappointed that an often promising and optimistic bill has succumbed to fatal flaws driven by partisan posturing and representing outdated and frankly dangerous positions undermining our indispensable, unavoidable world leadership role.    The increases in funding and engagement in the Indo-Pacific generally and the Pacific Islands specifically deserve broad…

Congressman Case Remarks in Appropriations Full Committee Markup FY 24 SFOPS Bill July 12, 2023

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Introduction of Red Hill Health Impact Act

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Tags: Red Hill

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to introduce the Red Hill Health Impact Act, a crucial piece of legislation to address the health implications of the recent fuel spill at our military's Red Hill  Underground Fuel Facility above Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. My bill, which I jointly introduce with my Hawaii colleagues, Senators Brian Schatz and Mazie Hirono and Congresswoman…

Member Day Testimony on FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

Chairman Rogers, Ranking Member Smith and members of the Committee: Aloha, and thank you for the opportunity to testify today on the Fiscal Year 2024 NDAA. I’d like to highlight my home state of Hawai’i, which plays a central role in our National Defense Strategy. The NDS identifies the People’s Republic of China as our most consequential strategic competitor, a pacing challenge,…