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Case Introduces Sustainable Budget Act in Floor Remarks

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony

Floor Remarks on H.R. 5211, the Sustainable Budget Act November 21, 2019 Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Can anyone seriously dispute that our federal fiscal house is out of order? Our national debt stands at $23 trillion, doubling in just the last decade alone. No end is in sight as we just registered a trillion-dollar annual deficit for Fiscal Year 2019 and Fiscal Year 2020 and beyond…

Case Gains U.S. House Approval of Financial Assistance for Hawai‘i Exports

| Posted in Press Releases

(Honolulu, HI) -  Congressman Ed Case (HI-01) today said the U.S. House voted to include his floor amendment strengthening Hawaiian business exports in a bill to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM). Founded by executive order in 1934 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and made an independent agency by Congress in 1945, EXIM aids in the financing and…

Case Announces Federal Housing Assistance to Address Homelessness

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(Honolulu, HI) - Congressman Ed Case (HI-01) today announced a federal award of $850,000 to help the state combat homelessness in Hawaii’s disabled community. “The challenge of homelessness is recognized by all of us on the federal, state, local and community level, and we must continue to work together to help those who need a helping hand – in this case, disabled individuals who are…

Case Introduces Measure to Allow Full Enforcement of State and Local Laws Targeting Illegal Short-Term Rentals

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(Honolulu, HI) – U.S. Congressman Ed Case (Hawai‘i – District 1)  introduced on Friday H.R. 4232, a measure to confirm that Internet platforms who knowingly market illegal short-term vacation rentals can be held liable under state and local law.  His “Protecting Local Authority and Neighborhoods” (PLAN) Act would end abusive litigation by Internet-based short-term rental…

Case Says President's Diversion of $3.6 Billion in Key Military Project Fund for Unauthorized Border Wall Cripples Security and Readiness

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(Honolulu, HI) – U.S. Congressman Ed Case (Hawai‘i – District 1) today strongly criticized the President’s announcement of a planned diversion of $3.6 billion in already appropriated funds for high-priority military projects to build a border wall not authorized or funded by Congress. Case was informed today that among the projects affected are two in Hawai’i considered by the Department…

Case Forms Congressional Pacific Islands Caucus in the House

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(Honolulu, HI) – U.S. Congressman Ed Case (Hawai‘i – District 1) today announced the first-ever formation of the Congressional Pacific Islands Caucus, which he will co-chair along with three high-ranking U.S. House colleagues. “I have been convinced for some time that our country’s and world’s future are in the Indo-Pacific, and the islands of the Pacific are a key yet…

Case Leads Move to Restore Fiscal Responsibility to Federal Budget

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(Honolulu, HI) – U.S. Congressman Ed Case (Hawai‘i – District 1) today joined liked-minded colleagues in unveiling a comprehensive plan to restore fiscal responsibility to our federal budget. Case, a member of the Blue Dog Democrat Coalition and Co-Chair, along with colleague Congressman Ben McAdams of Utah of the Coalition’s  Task Force on Fiscal Responsibility and Government…

Full House Approves Case's Appropriations Committee's Third Key Funding Bill

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(Honolulu, HI) - U.S. Congressman Ed Case (Hawai‘i – District 1) announced that today the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 3351, the Financial Services & General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2020. The bill is the tenth of twelve appropriations bills reported to the full House by the Committee on Appropriations, on which Case serves, and funding a total of…

Case Announces Grant Awards to State Department of Transportation

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(Honolulu, HI) – U.S. Congressman Ed Case (Hawai‘i – District 1) today announced the following grant awards to the state of Hawai‘i from the U.S Department of Transportation. “These awards will assist with the on-going work to upgrade our airports in Hawai‘i ,” said Case. “These grants will help to facilitate those improvements – with one award to go directly to the Daniel K. Inouye…

Case's Appropriations Committee Gains House Approval of Second Major Funding Package

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(Honolulu, HI) - U.S. Congressman Ed Case (Hawai‘i – District 1) announced that today the U.S. House of Representatives has passed H.R. 3055, the second of four measures that the House Committee on Appropriations recommended to fund over $383 billion of discretionary federal government agencies, programs and services for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 commencing October 1st of this year. Case is…