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Case's House Appropriations Committee Approves His Funding Requests To Advance Native Hawaiian Economic, Cultural, Health And Education Initiatives

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(Washington, DC) – U.S. Congressman Ed Case’s (HI-01) U.S. House Committee on Appropriations today approved three measures for the upcoming federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 (commencing October 1, 2024).   The $198.4 billion Labor-Health and Human Services (HHS) bill supports health, education and labor programs.   The $99 billion Transportation-Housing and Urban…

Heal Maui Act Introductory Statement

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Tags: Economy

I rise in support of my bill, H.R. 7061,  the Healing and Economic Advancement for Local Businesses in Maui (HEAL Maui) Act, which would provide critical additional support to our small businesses which have been so severely affected by the devastating August 2023 Maui wildfires.   The Maui wildfires caused 100 known deaths, severely injured many others, and displaced…

U.S. Congressman Ed Case's Statement On The Proposed Acquisition Of Hawaiian Airlines By Alaska Airlines

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Tags: Economy

(WASHINGTON, DC) -- U.S. Representative Ed Case (Hawai‘i-First District) made the following statement on the announcement today of the proposed acquisition of Hawaiian Airlines by Alaska Airlines: “My earliest memories include flying with my dad on Hawaiian Airlines from Hilo to the Big City. So, like all of us it is difficult to accept that this truly  kamaʻāina  company, such…

Congressman Case Testifies on his HEAL Maui bill to the U.S. House Small Business Committee

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Tags: Economy

Small Business Committee Member Day Testimony November 30, 2023 Chair Williams, Ranking Member Velázquez and members of the Committee, Good morning and aloha. Thank you for the opportunity to address you today on the devasting August 223 Maui wildfires, in particular their deep impact on small businesses throughout Hawai’i and the need to adjust federal small business assistance…

Case Returning To Washington, DC To Vote For Most Comprehensive Climate Change Measure Ever

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(Honolulu, HI) – Congressman Ed Case (HI-01) today leaves back to Washington, DC to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (Act). “This Act, in combatting climate change, easing inflation, lowering health care costs, and strengthening our economy and federal finances and more, is certainly one of the hallmarks of this Congress and one of the most consequential pieces of legislation…

Case Testifies on Hawaii's Small Business Recovery Needs

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Tags: Economy

During a House Small Business Committee Member Day hearing, U.S. Congressman Ed Case spoke about the continued recovery needs of Hawaii's small businesses and tourism industry. His full committee testimony is available online and below:  Member Day Testimony to the Small Business Committee Chairwoman Velázquez, Ranking Member Luetkemeyer and members of the Committee: Thank you…

Case, Womack, Hirono Introduce Legislation to Restore Access Federal Benefits for COFA Citizens Legally Present in the United States

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Representative Ed Case (D-Hawaii), Representative Steve Womack (R-Ark.) and Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii) introduced bipartisan, bicameral legislation to restore access to a range of federal benefits for citizens of the Freely Associated States of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau who reside in the United…

Case Re-Introduces Bills to Attack Key Driver of Hawai’i’s High Cost of Living

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Tags: Economy

(Honolulu, HI) -  Congressman Ed Case (HI-01) re-introduced three bills in Congress to reform the century-old Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (commonly referred to as the “Jones Act”), which is widely credited with artificially inflating the cost of shipping goods to Hawai’i. “These three bills are meant to end a century of monopolistic closed market domestic cargo shipping to and from…