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Speeches & Testimony


Speeches & Testimony

Case Welcomes New Citizens at Honolulu Naturalization Ceremony

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"Aloha!  I know that this moment - a moment that until now you have only dreamed of, that you have worked so long and hard for – fills you and your families with so many emotions, and that foremost among them are gratitude and pride. But I am here representing your fellow citizens to say that it is we who are grateful, we who are proud, that you have chosen to join us in pledging…

Case Delivers Memorial Day Speech in Waikiki

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Aloha. Three days ago, early on a beautiful clear Spring morning in Washington, DC, just as beautiful for our national’s capital as this morning is for us here in our Hawai‘i, I joined a few of my colleagues in beginning our remembrances on this Memorial Day weekend by laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery. We laid our wreath at the grave of Army Infantry Sergeant John Blacknall…

Natural Resources Committee Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Forum Hearing

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"Chairman Grijalva, Thank you very much for your efforts to host this important forum to recognize the contributions of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities to environmental protection and the preservation of historic and cultural sites throughout our country. As the representative for Hawaii’s First Congressional District, which has the highest…

Small Business Committee Member Day Testimony

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Chairwoman Velázquez, Ranking Member Chabot and members of the Small Business Committee, Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with the Committee on issues important to our small business committee both nationally and in my home state of Hawai‘i. As you may remember from my prior service on this Committee, my focus is not only on keeping small business strong throughout our…

Ed Case on the Need to Regulate Commercial Tour Helicopters

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Member Day Testimony of Representative Ed Case to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure May 15, 2019 Chairman DeFazio, Ranking Member Graves and members of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with the Committee on issues of importance to my constituents and Hawai‘i. While your committee focuses on the…

Statement on Legislation Introduced to Protect Government Employees during Shutdowns

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"Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to address the House for one minute. I rise today to introduce my bill, which would ensure all federal employees are treated fairly and are reimbursed in a timely manner for travel expenses during a shutdown. Good government includes ensuring that during shutdowns, essential services are still performed. Thus, during the last government shutdown,…

Testimony to Budget Committee Calling for a Fiscally Responsible Budget

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"Chairman Yarmuth, Ranking Member Womack, and Members of the Committee, Thank you for this opportunity to testify today in support of a fiscally responsible budget for FY20. Such a budget would focus our core functions and discretionary priorities within our means. It would require whole-budget, long-term approach with bipartisan solutions to one of the most challenging issues…

Oceans & Climate Change

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I rise in support of my amendment to H.R. 9, which would recognize the importance of the oceans to our global climate system and the international efforts under way to include our oceans in nationally determined contributions, or NDCs, under the Paris Agreement. When we talk about the impacts of manmade climate change, we focus on  the worlds of our lands and air, but we tend…

Member Day Testimony to House Armed Services Committee on Indo-Pacific Priorities in the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

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Chairman Smith, Ranking Member Thornberry, distinguished Members of the Committee: Thank you for the opportunity to testify today on this year’s NDAA. The National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy affirmed the reemergence of long-term strategic competition with other great powers as the central challenge to our national security. No country poses as significant a…

Ensuring Available and Affordable Health Care

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Mr. Speaker,  Most of our fellow Americans just want us to assure them that the necessities of life are available and affordable: food, shelter, education, safety. Are they available and affordable? Most of our fellow Americans would add to that available and affordable to all Americans, because the promise, opportunities and responsibilities of citizenship are shared, and are…