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Speeches & Testimony

Congressman Case Testifies on his HEAL Maui bill to the U.S. House Small Business Committee

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Tags: Economy

Small Business Committee Member Day Testimony November 30, 2023 Chair Williams, Ranking Member Velázquez and members of the Committee, Good morning and aloha. Thank you for the opportunity to address you today on the devasting August 223 Maui wildfires, in particular their deep impact on small businesses throughout Hawai’i and the need to adjust federal small business assistance…

Testimony of Congressman Case on his Sustainable Budget Act to the House Budget Committee

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Testimony to the House Budget Committee on the Sustainable Budget Act  November 29, 2023   Chair Arrington, Ranking Member Boyle and members of the Committee, Thank you for the opportunity to testify on the need for a bipartisan fiscal commission to address our nation’s fiscal crisis. Our budget is on an unsustainable path and the American people know it. Every metric –…

Congressman Case's House Floor Statement on H.R. 6447, the Saving Natural Ecosystems and Marine Organisms Act

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Statement on House Floor in support of H.R. 6447, the Saving Natural Ecosystems and Marine Organisms Act  Congressman Ed Case, Hawai‘i District One November 17, 2023 Mr. Speaker: I rise today to urge my House colleagues to join in protecting our world’s fragile coral reef ecosystems by restricting international imports of protected ornamental reef fish and coral species…

Testimony of Congressman Case on Pacific Islands initiatives to House Foreign Affairs Committee

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Testimony to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Congressman Ed Case, Hawai‘i District One November 3, 2023 Chairman McCaul, Ranking Member Meeks and distinguished members of the Committee: Mahalo for the opportunity to testify on the enduring significance of the Pacific Islands region for the United States. This region has held strategic and cultural importance for our nation…

Testimony of Congressman Case to House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the Maui Wildfires

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Statement of Representative Ed Case House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Oversight Hearing: Role of Electric Infrastructure in the Catastrophic Maui Fire September 28, 2023 Chair Griffith, Ranking Member Castor and Members of the Subcommittee, good morning and aloha. From all of the people of Hawai‘i, mahalo for your expressions of…