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Speeches & Testimony

Testimony Before House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

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House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Member Day Hearing 2167 Rayburn House Office Building Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Chair Graves, Ranking Member Larsen and Members of the Committee:   Aloha and mahalo for the opportunity to update the Committee on key transportation and infrastructure issues and needs for both our nation and my home state of Hawai‘i. I…

Testimony of Congressman Ed Case on U.S. House Appropriations State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee on Member Day

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Chairman Diaz-Balart, Ranking Member Lee and distinguished members of the Committee:  Thank you for the opportunity to testify today in support of a strong Fiscal Year 2024 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill that increases investment in U.S. re-engagement in the Pacific Islands and follows through on our critical recent commitments to our…

Remarks by Congressman Ed Case in support of S.7, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Technical Amendment Act of 2022

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Madam Speaker:  I rise today in support of S.7, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Technical Amendment Act of 2022. This bill will ensure the full inclusion of Native Hawaiians, the indigenous peoples of our country whose origins lie in Hawai’i, in the Services, Training, Officers and Prosecutors (STOP) Grants for Tribal Coalitions program under VAWA.  Violence against…

Remarks by Congressman Ed Case on Commemorating the Life and Service of U.S. Congresswoman Patsy Mink of Hawai‘i on the 50th Anniversary of Title IX

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Tags: Education

Madam Speaker: I rise today to join so many others in honoring the life and legacy of U.S. Congresswoman Patsy Takemoto Mink and the 50th Anniversary of her signature stamp on our nation, Title IX. Born in Paia, Hawai‘i, Congresswoman Mink was a true pioneer in so many areas: the first female elected class president at Maui High School, the first Japanese-American woman admitted to the…

Remarks by Congressman Ed Case in Support of H.R. 2773, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2021

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I rise today in strong support of H.R. 2773, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. I thank the gentlewoman from Michigan, Congresswoman Dingell, and Chairman Grijalva for their leadership in moving this critical legislation through our Natural Resources Committee and to the Floor. The world is in the middle of an extinction crisis and, unfortunately, my state is at its center. As a…

Remarks by Congressman Ed Case on Kamehameha Day 2022

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Aloha. I’m Congressman Ed Case. Though I come to you today from Capitol Hill, my thoughts are back home with the king who united our Hawai‘i and whose statue now stands in a place of honor in our U.S. Capitol. And I am reminded today of my first lessons on Kamehameha as a young boy growing up in Hilo on our mutual home island; Lessons that came alive at places like the Hilo public…

Testimony of Congressman Ed Case on U.S. House Committee on Budget Member Day

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Chair Yarmuth, Ranking Member Smith, members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to share thoughts with you today. I need not dwell on the state of our national budget. By any measure – annual deficits, total debt, debt-to-GDP, interest as a percentage of on and on – it is severe and worsening. The only measure cited as positive – year-over-year deficit improvement – is…

Remarks by Congressman Ed Case in Support of S. 1760 (Daniel Kahikina Akaka Department of Veterans Affairs Community-based Outpatient Clinic)

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Tags: Veterans

Madam Speaker, I rise today to join my colleagues in strong support of House passage of S. 1760, introduced by my colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono, and passed unanimously by the Senate. This critical measure, companion legislation to HR 3406, which I co-introduced in the House with its principal sponsor, Congressman Kaiali’i Kahele, will designate the new community-based outpatient clinic…

Testimony of Congressman Ed Case on FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act

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Chairman Smith, Ranking Member Rodgers and Members of the Committee. Aloha, and thank you for the opportunity to focus on the national security challenges and opportunities that face us in my part of the world - the Indo-Pacific – and Hawaii’s continued critical role. Today I’d like to address three specific issues: the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility crisis; the Pacific Deterrence…

Testimony of Congressman Ed Case in Support of S.R. 32

| Posted in Speeches & Testimony
Tags: Veterans

Senator Clarence Nishihara, Chair, Senator Lynn DeCoite, Vice Chair, and members of the Senate Committee on Public Safety, Intergovernmental and Military Affairs: Thank you for holding this hearing today on a resolution that would honor the memory and the extraordinary heroism of Telesforo Trinidad. As I and several of my colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives stated in a…